Home Insurance

As Texans we take a failed disaster and turn it into a lively, global, tourist destination, money making machine, and tell the world to “Remember It”!  We are hearty, positive and thrifty people and we know how to get the most bang for our buck. In Texas we protect our home inside and out, and buying homeowner’s insurance at Arch Insurance is how we do it.

So many choices, different companies offer different types of coverage, and at Arch we help you find the perfect mix of coverages for you. We will help you find the exact, unique, affordable, and right policy you need to protect your own personal “Alamo”- it is our mission.

Texas is famous for it’s weather extremes, “If you don’t like it, wait” as the saying goes. The right policy protects you from financial losses from storms, hail damage, potential fires and falling trees. Imagine a wonderful fiesta party and someone slips on a spilled margarita- you could be held liable, but the right coverage outlined in your policy if you are protected if someone is injured on your property. You can see that choosing the right one is so important for your protection. Most homeowners insurance policies should protect your legal responsibility for property damage or any injuries, the physical structure of your house, (up to a certain point) your personal belongings and personal property inside your house, any structures on your property (we love our tool sheds), injuries to your pets, and for an additional cost you can insure your jewelry, electronics, and higher end replacement costs for stuff.

The agents at Arch Insurance will be happy to help you make an inventory to see what level of comfort you have and what fits your budget.  The fun starts when the shopping begins. There are many great companies to choose from and the good news is that the agents at Arch know the companies that can be tailored to fit your needs and can help you if you ever need to make a claim. And don’t forget, when “Santa Ana” comes marching in disguised as a hailstorm, a tree branch, a clumsy neighbor, a busted pipe or an electrical spark, Arch Insurance makes you feel at home and comfortable knowing you have the right tools in your arsenal to have your home standing and protected for many generations to come. “Remember the Arch!”

Remember the Arch!

Arch Insurance makes you feel at home and comfortable knowing you have the right tools in your arsenal to have your home standing and protected for many generations to come.